Chapter meetings are one of those things that can be a lot harder than it has to be! Now – before you get all frustrated and have your feathers ruffled about how you have the best chapter meetings around and there is no way they can be better because you have been teaching for a long time – hear me out –
You might be right! Your chapter meetings might be AMAZING, and if they are then I am happy for you. Truly – I am. But sometimes I know I would get in a funk and my meetings would be SO LAME! Or let’s face it, they might not even happen that month because “you had it during class” aka, you had so much other stuff going on so you TRULY didn’t have time to do it.
So let me help you! Have you thought about chapter meetings in a different way? They don’t have to be so traditional! Have you thought about them outside the box? Check out my monthly meeting breakdown below and see if any of it would help you!
July: Have a meeting at the local county FAIR!- Put on a booth to promote Ag, encourage those showing animals or the ones who have submitted a ham or bacon, go on the night with cheaper wrist bands and pay for the members to a wrist band IF they help work the food stand or clean the barns. You can do your officer retreat after this also and then your officers would be able to help you run the meeting.

August: Attend the State Fair! Our chapter partnered with the local beef house and we worked their booth and got a free meal to help them.
September: Back to school meeting WITH parents. Pay dues, order shirts, and get kids involved!
October: Draw on pumpkins with sharpies INSTEAD of painting and the kids will LOVE it! No mess and it is something they can bring home with them!
November: Go to a corn maze!

December: Christmas party and adopt a family from the school
January: CDE round table- explore different options!
February: Create Valentine’s cards for the local nursing home or staff in your school

March: Barn-warming and officer inductions served as our meeting
April: Highway clean-up! We adopted a highway and picked up trash. Then we provided snacks and a drink. A juice pouch and a candy bar goes A LONG way when students help you.
May: We went to our local water park as a rewards trip for working our chapter fundraisers!
June: Tie Dye! Host a meeting where students get to Tie Dye socks and provide the socks for them. Do the tie dye on the asphalt and use a water hose to wash it out and put it directly in a zip lock bag and send home! You could also do a lesson on this and do it DURING CLASS before school was out! Talk about how dye was made from agriculture products and the impact the dye has had on the creation of products.
The goal of chapter meetings is to make them work for you in an efficient way that meets the goals and needs of your chapter. They don’t have to be provided to students in a traditional setting. Make them work for YOU and what you need your chapter to accomplish.