Let me show you how to make ice cream step-by-step, use it as a lesson in your classroom and even with your own little learners at home, AND make it engaging and informative with a take away message!
How to make ice cream step by step
Yes- everyone loves doing this! Have your students maybe done this before? Sure! The ideas for lesson plans for making ice cream in a bag are ENDLESS! But when you teach them how to make ice cream step by step do they know why? Can they tell you what they are doing and why they are doing it? What are they getting out of it? I know that before I started doing this activity/lab with a clear plan in mind they had NO ideas what they were even doing if you asked them. All they knew is they would get to eat ice cream and MAYBE be able to tell me how to make ice cream step by step or even that we were doing a lesson plan for making ice cream in a bag.

Which was TOTALLY TRUE- but that was not exactly the take away point I wanted to be conveyed to my administration, if they were sitting in my classroom during this activity asking the students questions or truly what I am doing labs. I know that sometimes I get so wrapped up in the entertainment of lessons and activities that I forgot to really drive home the true meaning and point of the lesson.
So Why Should We Care?
Well I don’t know about you but I do care about what my students take away from my lessons or even what my own kids know about where their food comes from and how it is produced. We have so little time in class sometimes between all the required things we have to do that I need all my labs to drive a point across and make it stick (until at least lunch time and hopefully longer!) I want to build those little connections so that one day they are doing something and think back and be like, “O YEA- remember that time in Ag Class that we made that ice cream and its important because ….
THAT is the moment I am striving for! I love a good food lab and I love a good food lab that has a great point as well!
DO the lab anyway! USE the lesson plan for making ice cream in a bag
You got this! Do the lab! Use the lesson plan for making ice cream in a bag to create an AWESOME Unit or even small unit or lesson on how to make ice cream step by step. Use it for summer school, officer team building, in your food science high school or middle school class, or in your home school curriculum! It will be so fun when you can connect it back to a concept you WANT them to know and learn and be able to recall!

Do you have to use my lesson plan? Of course not! But for me, I wanted to extend my lab into a food science career exploration. This is one of the first labs I do in my food science class. It is an easy one to do that involves NO SHARP objects. It is a good introduction lab that can be completed right after we do our safety tests. It could, and mostly likely will, involve some sort of water on the floor or mess. This is great! Because, I want to make sure we drive home the clean-up techniques and expectations I have in my room before, during, and after a lab. This lesson really covers all the points I want to make and it is FUN! It pulls the students in and gets them excited for future topics and labs!
So when thinking about how to make ice cream step by step – do the lesson plan for making ice cream in a bag! It is SO fun, it is engaging, and most of all it can be a great way to get students on board with your take away message! Good Luck and remember- you got this!