
How to Successfully Teach Food Science Labs for High School Students – – – without the Lab!

Food Science Labs for High School Students –

Without the lab! I know what many of you will think as soon as you read the…. umm you are CRAZY! You are teaching a class that involves Food Science Labs for high school students and you want to just not have a lab? Can you even learn about agriculture without one of the key components of hands on learning? The answer is Yes! You can! Let me show you how. I even have proven lessons to help back up what I am about to share with you!

Which include:

Pancake Lab and Blog to go with it!

Jam and Jelly

Peanut Cluster

Ice Cream and a Blog to go with it!

Potato Chip Tasting


Pizza Lab and History

Knife Skills

BBQ Sauce Competition


It is Possible!

It is VERY possible! You just have to shift your mindset on how to do it. In my own classroom, I literally have no stove or oven. I do have access to a refrigerator. My kitchen staff and I are on very good terms and I store things in the high school kitchen and even in the teachers lounge. You can also be flexible and keep your items at home and bring them in the day you need them! There are so many different ways to cook without a stove or oven!

pancakes for beginners

I use so many different resources to make this a possibility! Electric skillets, microwaves, and toaster ovens are a few of the appliances I use. The best part about these items is they are cheap to purchase and can be plugged into ANY outlet that is already in your room! One thing to be careful about, I have blown my fair share of breakers. When we cook and I have a huge class I like to do it in two different days so we are not pulling to much electricity into my room because if you are making jelly or jam and you blow a breaker and you are trying to bring it to a rolling boil it is not easy to recover from that!.

Check out the insert from one of my lessons I use as a final in my class! It is a pancake lesson and it is so fun! Read more about it below.

Pancake Lesson Plan – The History and Science of Pancakes

Can you teach me how to make pancakes? Heck yes I can, and you can learn so much more while using this easy lesson on pancakes for beginners.  Do you teach summer school, homeschool, or just love to make pancakes for National Pancake day in your classroom? This pancake lesson plan is FOR YOU!

Ummm nope! Think again! I taught 21 high school students this lesson for the last couple of years as their final in May using only ELECTRIC SKILLETS! If you want to learn more tips check out the blog post about it! It is the best thing and the easiest to clean up!


I believe in YOU!

You CAN DO this! Food Labs and even just labs in general are part of the reason I LOVE my jobs! I mean what other class has the potential to do all this really really fascinating stuff! It is the BEST! My suggestions are to write it out, think about how much time everything will take including set up and prep and clean up. There are a lot of moving parts with labs and especially food labs! My labs still don’t go as planned but I have an idea of what time marks we need to get to and what very specific directions I need to give. Good Luck and if you need help let me know!

Hi, I'm Bethany!

I help educators of Big and Little learners get their time back by providing engaging and low prep Ag based activities!   


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