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Welcome to My Life and Journey

Ag Teacher, Bethany

Hi Everyone! Let me tell you how EXCITED! I am to be here and sharing my passion with you! I love helping educators learn the best ways to help their students learn about agriculture. Why is it important to learn about agriculture? Let me tell you! This is one of those things that I look back on and I am like YEA I was supposed to do this and I am going to ROCK it…. I think, at least! But truly I am ready and excited to start sharing my journey and passion with you.

Why Me?

So why should you keep reading and choose to follow me and (HOPEFULLY) come back for me? Well, let me tell you. I know I don’t rock it all, and I don’t know everything there is to know about agriculture, education, being a mom, farmer, or even creating the picture perfect resources for you! But I love it and have a passion for it! And that alone makes a HUGE difference. 

My Life in Agriculture

I grew up in agriculture and I would like to say, even education. I was the little girl who never outgrew playing school. I have been in formal education as an agriculture teacher since 2013. But before that, I spent many of my summers working as a camp counselor, completing teacher internships, and doing so much more with education. 

I grew up on a cow-calf operation where we grew and baled our own hay and I was very active in FFA. I married a row crop farmer, and learned so much about driving a semi and grain trailer, the insane time of planting, and found a new love for a different side of agriculture. We have two small children who think you can’t eat until its dark because there is farming to do and that God made lights on a tractor so you can keep farming until the job is done, even if that means it happens at night. We have a love for the land and the animals we raise. 

Why is it important to learn about agriculture?

Do I have credentials and have I done really cool stuff? Absolutely! I have been a national speaker and spoke on the stage at the National FFA convention about why I became an Ag Teacher ( SO COOL), I have been nominated as a finalist for Teacher of the Year, I have mentored new teachers and student teachers, and the list goes on and on…. But if you asked me my greatest achievements or what I was most proud of I would say, “Hold on a minute.” I would go to my file cabinet and pull out a hanging file folder stuffed with weird colored pieces of paper and cards without envelopes.

Hi, I'm Bethany!

I help educators of Big and Little learners get their time back by providing engaging and low prep Ag based activities!   


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